CONNECTION (Chakra Collection)

Original acrylic/oil painting on canvas

H: 100 cm x  W: 100 cm



A year ago (2022), I sat under the Greek sun and wrote in my diary: 'The next year will be a new beginning for me; I will start painting and organize my own art exhibition. I will paint 'Connection,' which will encompass everything and hold the essence of life.'

In December 2022, I got the idea for the Chakra collection and began painting the first piece. By the end of September, I had painted six pieces for my collection, but the idea for the Crown Chakra had not yet formed in my mind.

The Crown Chakra represents the center of all understanding, unity, and serenity, allowing you to fearlessly live in your true essence. All summer, my subconscious whispered 'Italy,' and indeed, in early September, we went to Italy. During our trip, I received an invitation to participate in the Art Space AQUARS III exhibition at the Milan Science and Art Museum (Exhibition dates: 11/11 - 17/11/2023). The theme of the exhibition is water and its importance to us.

I didn't have a suitable piece in my collections for this theme, so I contemplated what work I would submit. Without water, there would be no life on Earth, and without the moon, there would be no water cycle. We are made of water; our cells are filled with water, which is filled with information. Water IS information. It's a gift, it's everything, it's unity, it's serenity, it's fearless, it's a gift from the universe.

I began painting a piece for the exhibition, and after a while, I realized I was creating the Crown Chakra. A few weeks into painting, I understood that my hands and mind were painting what I had conceived a year ago as 'Connection.'

I realized that I already knew everything a year ago, but life took care of how everything would come together.

CONNECTION was awarded as one of the best works at the AQUARS III exhibition held at the Science and Art Museum in Milan. There were 40 artists in the exhibition, and 7 artists' paintings were honored. I am so grateful for this.

2,950.00 €